Legal Relationship Between Library and Reader Reposition-Question on "Civil Law Relation" 图书馆与读者法律关系定位的再定位&对民事法律关系论的质疑
But does not include civil proceedings in relation to which the strict rules of evidence do not apply. 但不包括格的所不用的民事法律程序。
A typical standard system came into being in ancient China under the existence of civil relation and legal regulations concerned as to the comprehensive function resulting front other factors of the conditions in ancient chins. 摘要中国古代社会存在民事关系及相应的法律调整,而且在国情因素的综合作用下形成了独具特色的规范体系。
According to which clause of PRC General Principles of the Civil law did you say that after declaration of the death the civil legal relation regarding residence as the center eliminates? 不知道“公民被宣告死亡后,以其居住地为中心的所有民事法律关系消灭”是根据民法通则哪一条?
The civil legal relation object is not just simple enumeration of civil right object. 民事法律关系客体不是民事权利客体的简单罗列,可以统一抽象为利益。
Commercial relation is developed commodity economy. Civil relation is simple commodity economy. 作为商法调整对象的商事关系主要是发达商品交换关系,作为民法调整对象的民事关系主要是简单商品交换关系;
The medical service contract is a special civil legal relation. 其中医疗合同关系是一种不同于一般合同的特殊的民事法律关系。
According to the theory of civil law, the foetus cannot become the subject of the civil legal relation, for the foetus is only a part attaching to the body of the pregnant women. 依民法理论,胎儿不能成为民事法律关系的主体,胎儿是附属于孕妇身体的一部分,胎儿权即是孕妇的人身权。
The relation between school and students is the civil relation but is not the educational relation, it should apply the regulation and adjustment of civil law. 学校与学生的关系是民事关系而不是教育关系,应适用民事法律规范调整,因为学校未履行教育管理、保护的职责,导致教育侵权并造成人身伤害赔偿,所以适用民事法律规范调整。
The relevant theories on civil jural relation and civil judgment paper are not complicated, and to relate the reform of civil judgment paper to the civil jural relation will be a very important perspective in examining the paper. 民事法律关系和民事判决书的相关理论问题并不复杂,而将民事判决书改革与民事法律关系相联系,则是审视民事判决书的一个重要视角。
Therefore, the article pioneers in advocating that medical law is an independent juris pioneers in advocating that medical law is an independent jurisprudence which governs relations neither lateral ( the civil relation) nor vertical ( the administrative relation) but oblique ( the medical relations). 为此,文章首次提出了医事法既不调整横向的民事法律关系,也不调整纵向的行政法律关系,而是调整斜向的医事法律关系的一门独立的法律体系的理论。
The scope of dispute suability includes the disputes of civil legal relation regulated by civil law, the disputes of infringement of rights protected by civil law and the disputes of infringement to the private subjects protected by the constitution. 纠纷可诉性的范围包括民法所调整的民事法律关系发生的争议、应受民事法律保护的应有权利受到侵害引发的争议、宪法权利受到私法主体侵害所引发的争议。
The Commodity Economic of the Song Dynasty has a fully development, which corresponding with an all-time advanced law that adjusts the civil case relation. 两宋时期,商品经济充分发展,调整民事关系的法律空前发达。
However, the validity of civil juristic act means that a civil juristic act which has already existed takes effect and brings about the birth, changing or extinction of civil juristic relation, which the agreement goes in for. 而民事法律行为的生效则是指已经成立的民事法律行为发生法律效力,在当事人之间引起了意思表示内容所追求的民事法律关系产生、变更、消灭的法律后果。
The regulation of exclusion of civil evidence has relation to procedural system and tradition. 而民事非法证据排除的具体内容,则与一国的诉讼体制和诉讼传统密切相关。
The Dispute of School on the Civil Case Relation& Salvation 学校纠纷的民事法律关系与法律救济
The administrative legislation influences the civil legal relation that has already existed directly or indirectly, while establishing, adjusting some administrative legal relations. 行政立法在设定、调整某些行政法律关系的同时也必然直接或间接影响到已存在的民事关系,进而对民事行为活动以及民事司法活动产生影响。
The objective of lawsuit stands for combination of the content of civil legal relation in discusion and the form of the appeal in civil law court. 诉讼标的是争议的民事法律关系内容与诉讼请求形式的统一。
Directly applicable law is compulsory legal provision created for better keeping State's and social interest, which may direct apply to foreign civil relation without traditional invoking of conflict rule. 直接适用的法是国家为了更好的维护本国利益和社会利益而制定的具有强制力的法律规范,这些法律规范不必经过传统的冲突规范的援引而直接适用于涉外民事关系。
The debt is a kind of civil legal relation, it forms key element as right, obligation and responsibility, the debt was combined for the three. 债是一种民事法律关系,其构成要素为权利、义务和责任,债由三者结合而成。
The trans-state characteristic of the international tourism induces the adjustment contest of the different related states on the international civil legislative relation, and leads to the conflict of the laws. 由于国际旅游的跨国性特点,必然引起不同的相关国家竞相对国际旅游民事关系进行调整,从而引起法律冲突。
The intention of People has an important position in modern civil law. By the tool of expression of intention, parties establish civil legal relation on his own intention, to realise the principle of Autonomy of Private Law. 当事人的意志在近代民法中具有非常重要的地位,通过意思表示这一工具,当事人依据自己的意思来构建法律关系,以实现私法自治。
Afterward it analyzes the correlation between the system of liability insurance of environmental tort and the civil legal relation of environmental tort, defines the concept, the characteristics and the function of legal system of liability insurance of environmental tort. 然后,论文分析了环境侵权责任保险与环境侵权民事责任的相互关系,界定了环境侵权责任保险法律制度的概念、特征和功能。
As a subject bearing the obligation should be as follows: 1st, there is a specific civil legal relation with a particular subject of the right; 2nd, awareness of commercial secrets. 作为要承担竞业禁止义务的主体应具备如下标准:第一,与特定权利主体有特定的民事法律关系;第二,知悉商业秘密。
I think the legal relations between schools and students are binary. One is administrative legal relation, the other is civil legal relation. 笔者认为学校与学生之间的法律关系是一种双重法律关系,即部分为准行政法律关系,部分为民事法律关系。
When stock exchanges admit corporations to be listed and absorb securities traders as their members, corporations and securities traders act voluntarily and they are equal to the exchanges. The legal relationship that came into being in this process is civil legal relation in general. 交易所在接纳上市企业,吸收证券商成为会员时,与上市企业、证券商间带有一定的平等性、自愿性,所形成的法律关系总体上属于民事关系。
It thoroughly analyzes the civil case relation between non governmental colleges and teachers and definitely points out non governmental college teachers 'status is employee. 深入分析了民办高校与教师的民事法律关系,明确指出民办高校教师的雇员身份。
So, compensation is an equal the civil legal relation between subjects. 这样看来,补偿就是一个平等主体间的民事法律关系。
With the development of the market economy, the relation of lease has become a more and more important civil legal relation. 租赁关系随着市场经济的不断发展,成为一种越来越重要的民事法律关系。
Secondly, the legal relationship of property management of public rental housing, is the combination of horizontal civil legal relation and longitudinal administrative law relation. 其次,公共租赁住房物业管理法律关系,是横向民事法律关系与纵向行政法律关系的结合。